Miracles – A Personal Testimony

Miracles happened in the Bible. Miracles happen today. We say “God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” I believe it with all my heart. In mid-January of 2024, I took a nasty slide on icy pavement. I grabbed for anything to help keep my balance and I did not go...

You Might Need Prayer If…

After your pastor urges prayer for the lost, most of the congregation turns and stares at you Your church’s Welcoming Committee sends you a birthday card addressed to “Occupant” The church board disqualifies you from running for deacon after discovering you cheated at...

Preparing for the End Times

“Son, tell me how you plan to pay for the things you will need in life.” “That’s easy, Dad!  I’ll just drive up to that machine like you do and get whatever I want!” I have to keep in mind… this is the same kid who, at age 5, came up with a “get rich quick” scheme...

A Right Relationship With Jesus

“…when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” – Jesus Christ, Luke 18:8b, NIV It’s never been more critical that we be in a right relationship with Jesus Christ! I’ve been blessed with a full and productive life, but it’s clearly a different...