Unforgettable Performances and Exceptional Acoustics

Divi Soundtrack Supper
6th June 2023, 6PM – Divi Philharmonic Hall
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Global Gospel Reach
The mission of Faith And Friends Radio is…
Harnessing the world’s technology to reach the world for Christ…
Unbelievers in their search for Truth and Believers in their Spiritual walk.
Faith and Friends is a 24/7 broadcast outreach of Wells Of Salvation Ministries. WOS was founded in 1979 by Dr. Edmund E. Wells, utilizing the spoken Word, the Word in song, and has from the beginning utilized radio airwaves as one means of spreading God’s Good News.
With the skyrocketing usage of Internet, smart phones and social media, and with daily advancing technological capabilities, founders of Faith and Friends along with the Wells Of Salvation Board of Directors, believed it prudent and good stewardship to establish a worldwide presence through Godly programming of Internet radio. Faithandfriendsradio.com launched on May 16, 2011.
In 2014, Faith And Friends Radio became the first Internet-based radio station to be accepted on the iHeart Radio Network platform.
By 2015, industry analysts found that more people listen to radio online than listen through a standard radio receiver, proving accurate the forward thinking of those who so diligently worked to establish Faith And Friends Radio.

Our Broadcast Center
Faith and Friends is broadcast from a stand-alone state-of-the-art Broadcast Center in Dayton, Ohio. “It’s Internet radio done right,” says co-founder Melody Morris.
“We do everything a terrestrial AM or FM radio station does, with personality DJs, full service local, regional, & national news, music, talk, and more. But unlike terrestrial stations, we’re not limited by a transmitter’s small signal reach.
We’re worldwide, now reaching into every country in the world at a fraction of the cost it takes to feed a power-hungry 50,000 watt transmitter that may only go out 50 or 60 miles.”
Bill Nance, a broadcast veteran of over 40 years, member of the Dayton-Area Broadcasters’ Hall of Fame, and co-founder of Faith And Friends, says their music is carefully selected.
“It’s music that hits the heart,” explains Nance. “It’s our hope that our music selections will put a positive focus on your day, encourage you, and bring praise and prayer to your lips, and into a closer walk with Jesus.
And we hope our talk programs will be instructive for continued Godly growth!”